Straightforward Guide to Writing Love Letters

Your best armor, weapon, suit and tie— is your most authentic precious Smile.


Nothing fancy.  Let’s get down to business.

STEP 1:  Choose a recipient.  (Muse)
It could be a friend, a special somebody, a relative, a colleague, a senior—anybody you fancy.

STEP 2:  What do you intend to say? (Message)
The more personal details you know (first-hand) about the recipient, the better you can write.  We are talking about you writing a letter of love and appreciation.  Choose (truly existent) qualities you can amplify.  Having even just one focus is enough to help start the construction and ease the process.

STEP 3:  Why do you want to send the message? (Intention)
As a recipient of vague messages, a hodgepodge of mixed signals without proper explanation (debriefing) thereafter, I tell you confusion hurts.  In the minds at the other end of the line: Thank you for the compliments, but why exactly are you taking pains to put these words into paper?

STEP 4:  Be honest. (Sincerity)
Whether you employ prose or poetry, be sincere about the Message & Intention.  Do not assume people are inherent mind-readers.  Moreover, if you do not feel like shooting the moon at the behest of your Muse, say it so; you can bring a chicken to the table instead.  Met expectations fare better than flamboyant ones lost in translation.

Forget about style.  You are your own Jean-Paul Sartre or Frida Kahlo.  You are the only one who can translate what your Muse means to you.  If you do not have excellent command of your preferred language, let it be.  Just let your heart flow.  Do not shred your identity.

STEP 5:  Send it. (Execution)
Do not be ridiculous.  Why go through everything if you do not actually, physically relay the Message?

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P. S. I’d be happy to read some of your letters, too.  Stay inspired!

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